NOAA/PMEL's Argo profiling float project is headed by Dr. Gregory C. Johnson (PMEL). Dr. Elizabeth Steffen (Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, or CIMAR, University of Hawaii) works at PMEL on Argo float testing, deployment logistics, and engineering evaluation. Kristene McTaggart (PMEL) and Hristina Hristova (CIMAR) focus on delayed-mode quality control of PMEL Argo float data. Dr. John Lyman (CIMAR) performs scientific analyses using Argo data at PMEL and also helps with their delayed mode-quality control and Deep Argo IT. Dr. Paige Lavin (Cooperative Institute for Satellite Earth System Studies, University of Maryland) is analyzing Argo data with PMEL scientists.
The float data pages at PMEL are descended from those of Dana Swift (School of Oceanography, University of Washington). His pages were ported to NOAA/PMEL, augmented, and then substantially modified by Dr. Donald Denbo and Willa Zhu (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies, University of Washington), who, along with Linus Kamb (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies, University of Washington) continue to assist with PMEL Argo float data management and information technology. Nancy Soreide (PMEL) and Tracey Nakamura (Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies, University of Washington) built the other float web pages.
People who once worked at PMEL on Argo or scientific analyses of Argo data include former NRC postdoctoral researcher and JIMAR assistant researcher Dr. Annie Wong (now at the University of Washington), former JIMAR float research associate Alexandra Brewer (now at the Puyallup Watershed Initiative), former JIMAR float research analyst Chanelle Cadot (now at the University of Washington), former UW graduate students CDR Amy Wirts (now at USGC) and Dr. Sarah G. Purkey (now at Scripps), former NRC postdoctoral scholar Dr. Sunke Schmidtko (now at GEOMAR), former JISAO postoctoral scholars Dr. Donata Giglio (now at U Colorado) and Dr. Hannah Zanowski (now at U Wisconsin-Madison), former Hollings Scholarship summer interns Madeleine Youngs (now at UCLA) and Abigail Birnbaum (now at Tufts University), and former Lapenta Intern Sarah Packman (now at Harvard University).
Prof. Steven Riser (School of Oceanography, University of Washington) and members of his Argo float group (Dana Swift, Rick Rupan, and formerly Dale Ripley and Kurt Heinze) collaborated with PMEL on our first foray into float work, the Steller's Sea Lion floats, in 2001 and 2002. They continue generously to advise on and assist with PMEL Argo float work. Prof. Dean Roemmich (Scripps) and members of his Argo float group (John Gilson and Jeff Sherman) have been generously advising and assisting PMEL during our spin-up of Deep Argo float work, which started in 2017.
Many people kindly help by deploying the floats from a large number of ships.